Monday, August 6, 2012

Going to Check My Vision Today

Today I'll be going to have my eyesight checked to see if  I need new glasses.

Right now I have two sets of eyeglasses. One for distance and another for reading.

Since I don't drive a car I can usually get by without the distance glasses. I'm able to see well enough as to not drive my electric wheelchair into walls, people, or off curbs as long as I pay attention to what I'm doing.

I can read large print well enough, but small print is a problem. Many years ago I could read the tiny print of a Bible that was small enough to fit into my shirt pocket. Now, if I don't have my reading glasses on the Bible has to have large print in order for me to read it comfortably.

When I don't have my reading glasses on, I sometimes make mistakes when I'm attempting to read something. Since I can't clearly make out individual letters I can think that a given word is another word of similar length with similar letters. That certainly be confusing when trying to understand what has been written.

I want to understand what I read. So I'd better be sure I can actually see the letters and words that are on the page. That's why I'm having my vision checked out today.

Speaking of understanding what I read, I'd also better be sure I understand the meaning of  what I read, especially when I read the Bible.

If I don't correctly understand the directions for getting to get to a destination, such at the eye doctor's office or a historic site my wife and I want to visit in Boston, I may never get to where I want to go.

If I want to get to where God wants me to go I had best be sure I'm understanding the directions He has for me in Scripture. If I don't have that understanding then my "vision" of what is important in life by God's standards may be distorted and I might not even know it.

Today's trip to the eye doctor will be good to check my eyesight vision today. Doing some Bible reading and studying today (and every day) will be good for my spiritual vision.

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