Friday, July 9, 2010

Do We Rejoice in God's Statutes As We Do In Great Riches?

 I rejoice in following your statutes
       as one rejoices in great riches.
 I meditate on your precepts
       and consider your ways.
 I delight in your decrees;
       I will not neglect your word.
Psalm 119:14-16  (NIV)

Let us consider for a moment that we don't just sort of believe that the Bible is the Word of God, but that we seriously believe it is His Word.

If I seriously believe that there is gold buried in my back yard that is mine to keep if I dig it up, will I simply be content knowing it is there? No, in that situation I think I'd be out back digging up the yard and examining the gold I unearthed.

If I believe the Bible contains the words and precepts and insights of almighty God that He put there to benefit me in ways I can scarcely imagine, then I think I ought to take more time to dig into the Book.

When I come across a precept in the Bible that convicts or blesses me, I certainly ought to think about it for awhile. Maybe even pray about what I've read. Maybe even use some Bible study tools get a deeper or more clear understanding on how to apply it in my life.

When we delight in something we take the time to learn more about it, and do more with it. If something doesn't mean much to us we neglect it.

How much does the Word of God mean to us? Do we find the time, even if inconvenient, to read and study it? Or do we value it so little that we ignore it most of the time?

If we took the  time and discovered a golden nugget of understanding in God's word, maybe our interest in it would be renewed. Maybe we'd want to find another nugget, and then more and more.

Let's give it a try. Let's search for the treasures God's Word that he wants us to find and use.


  1. Awesome post! I totally agree!

  2. Great analogy, John! If there was gold in MY backyard... you'd never get me out of it!!!
