Thursday, January 12, 2012

Can Ads Be A Good Thing?

Yes, I believe that ads can be a good thing. Some ads may be annoying, and get in the way of what we want to read in a magazine or watch during a show on television or at the start of a DVD. But an ad in and of itself is information that should be of interest to at least some people.

For example, if we need to buy groceries, ads in the form or commercials or flyers can let us know what is on sale this week. Ads can actually help us save money.

Of course some ads simply seek to convince us to buy things that we don't need or can't afford. In those situations we need to be cautious and refrain from overspending.

Then there are the ads that can even help us get things for free. Maybe it is a buy 1 get 1 free offer that is promoted. Or sometimes it is a gift card sent to us in the mail for $5 or $10 toward anything in the store, without even a restriction of having to spend a certain amount of money. That piece of mail and the gift card are a form of advertising to get us to come to the store where they hope we will spend some of our own money in addition to what we get with the free gift card.

Some companies now even pay people to look at their ads. They know people can change channels on TV and flip over pages in a magazine to avoid ads, so they offer to pay them a modest amount to view and perhaps rate their advertisements.

Now there is even a company that plans to share its advertising profits with the people who help them get enough members to warrant advertisers to pay to advertise on their website.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google are websites where advertisers spend many millions of dollars because they know their ads will be seen by millions of people. A new company, called Wazzub, is offering to share it's advertising profits with anyone who joins during their pre-launch and helps them get at least 3 other people to join for free.

I joined Wazzub and I am encouraging others to join to see if we can get a share of the advertising profits after they launch on April 9 of this year. Hopefully it will  be an interesting enough site so that people will use it and more people will keep joining in the coming months and years.

Only those of us who join during this pre-launch period will be included in the profit sharing, so I hope many will join before April 9 whether they join from my link or from one belonging to somebody else.

If nothing comes of the Wazzub effort to share their advertising profits, that's OK. They are not asking anybody for any money for membership. So it seems to me to be worth it to give this a try. If you'd like to give see for yourself, you can join Wazzub for free by clicking here.

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